"There's a frog in the restroom," a girl said with a smile.
I should have known that something was amiss.
But I forgot the time of year and sent a boy to catch it.
I'm an easy mark and one they can't resist.
The frog was non-existant but THE BOY got caught inside
The girl's room even though he had a pass.
It took him twenty minutes to explain why he was crouching,
And looking in the stalls. It was a blast.
Then someone took a napkin and stopped the water fountain
From draining. Water sprayed until it overflowed.
I should have taken measures to curtail the mass confusion,
But one lost soul just couldn't take the chance.
And anyway, I'm thinking that if questioned I can fall back
On the fifth ammendment in all cicumstance.
A food fight in the lunchroom insured that my dry cleaners
Would be taking a vacation in July.
And if my last class listens as well as all the others,
I'll probably collapse and have a cry.
Ahhh.the joys of teaching...LOL
Loved this one