A Better Day Today

A Better Day Today

The thing that I like most of all

When speaking of my life.

Is that one single little day

Can put an end to strife.

I don’t despair and never fail

To look for better days.

I go to God in heartfelt prayer

And let Him smooth my ways.

He never asks me how I came

To be in such a mess.

He only listens, then He acts.

He loves me is my guess.

While others say “I told you so,”

And repeat advice they shared,

My Lord just holds me close to Him

That’s how I know He cares.

Music: Autumn Leaves

Author's Notes/Comments: 

No tears today--just thankful resignation...Thank you wordman.

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Linda Hayes's picture

Beautifully written!!!

TREXPATTON's picture


"Poe" I'm not, nor "Rich" am I,
but I'll be famous, b'ye and b'ye !

michael's picture

Your poetry and the goodness of it is hoe He knows you care. Well said Jessica

Douglas Lazard's picture

"I don't despair and never fail to look for better days"
I absolutely love that line Jessica! This is a really great poem of inspiration. If all who dwell on the earth could feel the same way, what a wonderful world it would be!!
As always~~ Peace and love ~~~~ Dougie ~~~

Tim Schnizlein's picture

A wonderful poem, too often those that we call friends, and loved ones look down upon us because of mistakes we have made. It is a rare gift to find someone so loving and so caring that no matter how badly we mess things up, their only desire is simply to comfort us, hold us close, and make things right for us once again. Its nice to know that no matter who comes in and out of our lives, we always have someone like that in God.

salphire5's picture

What a marvellous poem Jessica. It wraps around me and hugs me into happiness.
Such a strongly positive first line! In fact, it is filled with wonderful little thoughts and manners of expressing them.
This is a favourite of mine. Keep up the outstanding poetry my friend.
F. Salphire