always was
the very best, at
anything he attempted,
I knew in the instant I
saw him smile, he and
I would be life-long
friends. My son.
Benjamin T. the
Son of the
right hand
so perfectly
formed and so full of
charmingly good character that
he often amazes even his prejudiced mother
with his grace and the good works that accompany it.
Most people see only the attractive and charismatic young
man that he has become, but I see the boy who cashed in his
Senior cruise ticket because he found out his mother needed
the money. Ahhh, God, My son, my son. You fill my heart to
overflowing every time I see your precious face or hear that roll
of laughter that is yours and yours alone. Son of the right hand.
That’s what your name means, and that’s what you are. My Ben.
Jessica, This is a great tribute to your son Ben. Boys are a wonderful blessing to have, I know cuz I also have three.
Cameron 23, Jeremy 20, and Alex 12. You will find poems about all of them in my hall. Keep up the good work!
Peace and love ~~~~ Dougie ~~~