The Proposal

Before we met my days were all clones.

And nights here were long and so dark!

The laughter and joy that comes flowing now,

Was hidden in some secret part.

My hours stretched as days all alone

With my memories tormenting me.

Tears fell so freely that I can’t believe

How quickly your love set me free.

But hearing your voice and calling your name

Brings sweet peace and a joy to my world.

A happiness reigns in my heart like a flag

That through loves gentle breezes unfurled.

I sought all my life for a soulmate like you

And had thought that my quest was in vain.

But you gave new meaning to a heart scarred yet true,

And your love quite diminished the pain.

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I am glad I have found the time to visit your private place again.

You have very unique way of displaying the emotions that seem to be an innate part of your being.
This one is no exception. It is wonderfully real and full of what can only be the truth of the soul.