Christmas Gift
The Yuletide season is at hand
When all the world's ablaze,
With shining tinsel, colored lights,
And carefree shopping days.
Lord, let me never get so rushed
That I forget Thy Son,
The perfect gift from a perfect God,
A glorious victory won.
Amid the bustle of the crowd,
Keep me alone with Thee,
Allow me, Lord, to glimpse the deed,
That changed eternity.
Permit the praise locked in my bones
To verbalize this year.
And help me teach my children, Lord,
That You are always near.
Then when the Christmas tree is trimmed
With its lovely pastel glow,
Show me the shepherds faces
That Lit up long ago.
Just once, Lord, let me hear it!
That precious angel song,
And the message that's still ringing
Through the ages on and on.
Then when all the gifts are gathered
At the bottom of my tree,
I have one I've been saving,
Especially for Thee.
It isn't gold or frankincense,
No myrrh have I to give,
But a heart re-consecrated,
And a life that's Yours to live.
Music: Away In A Manger
i love this poem
Jess, You certainly have the gift of taking the reader into your heart. I wish that I had found your work long before now. Later,Joyce/Spanky
You are right, we are on the same wave-length here.
Well said. Linda