Heart's Song

Like a hum in my head when I'm driving

Golden oldies are blasting away,

Your voice fills my heart and I'm striving

To hold it and make the sound stay.

Your warm rolling laugh when we're talking,

The resonance purring through wire,

Suggestively sweet won't appall me,

And neither does healthy desire.

But I think while we talk since you left here,

I'm committed to you and I wait,

For endearments I've had, that's no boast, sir.

TRUE love is the ticket I'd take.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Maybe the train already left the depot without me...

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Helen Schmidt's picture

Jessica, I loved this whimsical poem! Yes, how much better it would be to wait for the real thing than to fall for superficial "fluff"!!! Good job! Best regards, Helen