A child’s dream

I asked a child yesterday 

what her favorite 

dream was.


She looked up

at me and grinned.

you could see 

a twinkle in her eye  

“It’s when I become 

a fairy and fly 

into my brother’s dreams!”


I told her she 

was brave.


I saw a 

little boy 

the other day. 

he ran up to me 

and said 


“I had a dream 

about the moon 

last night.” 


I looked down at him 

and replied.


“It’s one thing to dream 

and wish for the moon, but

it’s another to hold its 

light tight in your hands.” 


He smiled at me and 

nodded. He knew exactly 

what I had meant. 


I walked past 

a group of kids


I could hear them 

Talking about 

Their dreams. 


“I dreamt I was a doctor 

 helping everyone!” 


Another bragged 

saying theirs was 


I dreamt I stopped 

all war!” 


Another replied

“I dreamt I would

Walk on the stars!” 


I thought  to 

myself that we 

all dreamed these

big aspiring dreams.


But what made us stop? 




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Some Did Succeed

Some became doctors and walked on the moon or had twelve children or wrote poetry that was very fine - slc