
The electrical sequences that dance through ...

Right here. Inside, between these cranial walls meant to protect my brain. They would if I didn't endanger it religiously.

With the permeability of space, never a hesitation to display my weakness, exposed. Naked.

I have no intentions to protect this fervor.

A kamikaze, reluctant to surrender, A fight for this belief. I scratch my own neck, chest.

A grasp at alternate existances, Starving to consume you, surfacing

Symmetrical thoughts, this unifying force...


Yes, You are here. Somewhere. 

Your skin is under my tension.

My perspiration awakens odors from cold expired slumber.

Slowly run my fingers down your ghost.

Crippling myself in my own aerial attack, Impact in the last seconds of countdown. 


Connection, Contraction,

My insides unbind, unfold and vaporize.

Diffusing into the atmosphere bound to your companionship. 




Author's Notes/Comments: 

Please feel free to critique.

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9inety's picture

I love this

and I know why

it is in the truth of your meaning though masked in between pain and pleasure, reminds me of something I read a long time ago...


by Archibald MacLeish

I may have missed the connection but it is related somehow in my mind eye.



"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot