
The steady  pattern of your foot steps ,The sound of your breath as your heart beats .My fingers slowly caressing the silk ,My lingering mind and body shuttering at the sound of wisphering  ,Burying it deep within me fearful i will fail

Eyes meeting my gaze body leaving me eager to fufill my task at need  . His lips of gold truffles and eyes of drifting darkness longing for touch ,Yet these tempting things feel me fright.I ache for him to explore .Crawling i beg releasing my temptation and fulfilling my  need . The wispher the touch the tip graving my spine ,Plesure rising hands embarce , lost in though as the blankets flutter to the floor . Darkeness shading the sight between us . Reaching for that which mine longing for as i cover him with my own ,showing it is time we must feel what we both wanted and longed .As his hand embrace what he know was his .

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