"The sun doesnt exist!"

Didn't believe me when the sun

still shone the morning after

the world fell apart (in your mind)

I still believed in the moon when

I noticed the stars looking dim

We couldnt find the in between

"lets be okay" subtle spot

So i've settled for better and

I've gone to a higher high

You still see the pesimistic

side that the sun never existed

Author's Notes/Comments: 

say what now??? you think im....*sigh*..har har. silent conversations make the best

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I have a feeling, and I could be wrong, that this has to do something with me. Yet, it could be just one of your random poems. It's a nice piece, but after long, consideration, thoughts running through my mind, and enough coffee running through my veins to replace my blood, I came to realize that to be pessimistic isn't my nature; it never was. I believe the sun does exist, and that it'll shine again, and we'll eventually find that in between spot...everything good takes time, now it's my turn to take my own advice. I'm sorry I upset you.