24 February 2004 - 5:51am — Paul Geihm (not verified)
You know, I will be strong, I will be the Superman you once knew me to be before you became my "Kryptonite." And only after my friendship with you becomes awesome like I know it will, will I get rid of the "Kryptonite" I once knew, and from then on only be ulimately scared of spiders. Hush you, no jokes. Everything that is happening right now is happening for a reason, and at times, that reason will become unclear in my mind, but right now while it is clear, I can say that I am proud and ecstatic to be your friend, and I will be strong. The hope for an even better day though, will always exist.
You know, I will be strong, I will be the Superman you once knew me to be before you became my "Kryptonite." And only after my friendship with you becomes awesome like I know it will, will I get rid of the "Kryptonite" I once knew, and from then on only be ulimately scared of spiders. Hush you, no jokes. Everything that is happening right now is happening for a reason, and at times, that reason will become unclear in my mind, but right now while it is clear, I can say that I am proud and ecstatic to be your friend, and I will be strong. The hope for an even better day though, will always exist.