Acrostic(my broken heart)

Millions of times i have shared with

You, how much i loved you


But it seems to me that your not

Reading me anymore

Only hangnin around just becuase

Kinda like the clouds on a rainey day

Eventually they leave, but

Never the less always stay within reach


How do you

Expect me to move on, when

Already your seeing someone new

Right before my eyes

Time...will pass...and soon i'll be over you...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

no all none what so ever

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Acrostics are, in my opinion,

Acrostics are, in my opinion, a very difficult form.  The very first poem I ever wrote, when I began in October, 1975, was an acrostic, and not a success whatsoever.  I applaud the success you have here.


poetvg's picture

beautiful piece .