I'll walk alone....All alone

My head is aching so badly

from all the words yelling at me

My mind screams so loud

of all the things screamed at me

My heart is breaking so fast

from all the harsh words spoken

My sould is torn so badly

from all the bittter words spoken

My body aches so horridly

from all the bruises beaten

My body trembles so quietly

from all the silent abuse

I tremble so quietly

I sob uncontrollably

I face my monsters alone

Turned away from all i've been shown

Addicted to pain and sorrow

I think i always hate tomorrow.

Its not what iwant, nor what i chose

Its my destiny, everyone knows

All alone

I'll walk alone

I'll sob uncontrolled

I'll break in the dark

My heart will beat quieter

My breath will be soft

til i breathe no more

I'll walk alone

All alone

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You wrote this poem as a depressant/suicidal person. You took it to the depths of feeling alone, controlled, helpless, hopeless, and topped it with foreseeing your death. It may be bleak, but you walked me through the tribulations I face with my own depression. I have managed to fight harder against it with medicine and other things. I hope that you will find something that will help you, too. I also hope you continue writing instead of acting out those raw, horrid emotions. Keep trying and don't give up. God loved you enough to give you life. Your family and friends love you, too. I'm sure a lot of other people do, too. Try to remember that when you're feeling as though everything's wrong when you're craving it to be right. It's your life to live and you call the shots. Make them wisely and acknowledge you deserve the best, not misery.