First Real Kiss

The sun outlined her body through her sequin dress,

And made her red hair seem like it was on fire,

Gentle breezes pushed her hair, cascading it over her shoulders,

And with the slightest of smiles, she welcomed me with her eyes.

Eyes that smile, far outdo the smile of the lips,

For when they smile with their eyes, they smile with their soul.

Carefully placed steps brought her closer to me,

I could feel her warmth as her face drew close to mine,

Ruby lips and ceramic teeth glimpsed out at me,

I took a half step closer to her and gently leaned my face towards hers.

Our lips met.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

How i imagine a perfect moment.

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R. Mackenzie's picture

I have to agree, your poems are very emotional for a male writer. Not that males can't write love poems of course! But, you do a great job of using heartfelt description.

Ciara Shaver's picture

That was so romantic. A lot of guys can write so romantically, but they're too shy to try. You have a beautiful gift for writing, keep it up! -ciara