
Like a silent shadow he stalks what he is trained to protect,

His eyes see beyond what we all see...

A stranger jumps out from the crowd wielding a gun,

And like the man who is father always wanted him to be,

He jumps in front of the lead projectile,

And catches its heat with his chest.

Blood knows no bounds when freed from its enclosures,

And it runs freely, colouring the grey pavement,

Like a hawk swooping down on its peaceful prey,

The people come to watch him bleed,

Offering no help except the look of pity,

That swells up in the eyes of the sympathisers,

He lays back, his chest on fire and his heart beginning to slow,

And looks at the man whom he will soon die for to protect,

His job has been done; he has proved his worth,

But as his eyes draw closed and his heart drums out its last beat,

He can’t help but think why his life has been cut short,

To save the life of a man from whom he never got a smile.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I’ve sometimes wondered what it would be like, being a bodyguard and having to risk your life for the sake of saving someone else’s life. Someone whom you may not even like, someone who may not even like you.

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