The game of life

Life is a paradox, as some might say.

It's a never ending game that all people play.

No one can win and no one can lose.

The outcome depends on what path you choose.

This game is unlike any other game,

since it is not played for glory or fame.

This game is played to determine your role,

or to scoop you up and consume your soul.

This game can't be beat, for once you think you've

achieved such a miraculous feat,

the game drags you back in by your feet,

and then you're back at square one for another repeat.

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shawon1982's picture

one of the most wonderful poem i have ever read. keep it up. all the best.

Dr. Zayed Bin Zakir Shawon

shawon1982's picture

one of the most wonderful poem i have ever read. keep it up. all the best.

Dr. Zayed Bin Zakir Shawon