11. As Is Life

~The Book~

It’s odd,
How do you ask someone to care?
Ask hem to help you,
Ask them to hold you,
Ask them to truly give a damn.

Life is full of shit,
How do you see past it?
Find the person you are looking for,
The person who truly understands,
The one that makes a difference in your life.

Do you ever find this?
I'm looking for it,
The mad young man on a journey.
Do you ever find what you’re looking for?
Will I ever find it?

Someone who understands,
Sees beyond the flesh,
Beyond my fake facade.

When you’re old and gray,
Will you have found that which matters most,
Or, will you say, "I never got it, it was all meaningless;
as is life: meaningless."

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Because nothing you ever do is worth anything as we all die anyways.