When a female stops shouting at you,
Stops crying about you,
Stops telling her friends, about what you do
-Thats when you need to worry.
When a female stops retailating to you,
When a female stops calling out your lies,
When a female stops losing sleep at night
When a female stops blowing up your phone at night,
That's when you are on your way out.
See she wanted a happy home,
She didn't need a fairytale castle,
She just needed to be appreciated, Respected, and treated
As an equal and not second,
To your wants and needs,
Or your friends.
When a female stops picking up your texts
When a female stops informing you,
Of her whereabouts,
When a female stops cooking,
Starts ordering take out,
Stops talking to you about her hopes
About her dreams,
That's when she is in the process,
The process of letting you go.
See, a females patience is deceptive,
You didn't know you was on strike three,
You thought you was like a cat, with 9 lives,
And now you're finding your locks changed
And all your clothes outside ,
You thought you had her forgiveness like a river,
A constant flow of give give give,
You thought all your acts, your words, forgiven,
Now you can't stand the way without you, she's living.
You wanted another chance,
But that last chance, was a few chances ago,
You wanted her to sit and listen,
But now you have to listen,
Cause she's told you so!
A Forest Behind Those Trees
Just found this one, surfing your lists - disbelief of reality or misinterpretation of how a relationship is going is fodder for emotional expose. People don't believe that they have the power to break their own hearts. Good write! ~allets~
Hate it when that happens.
Hate it when that happens. Gotta be so careful and grateful to be so lucky