
Can't you see what you're doing to me?

She's got you up in the clouds

Then down on your knees.

And I know your loves for her

That it's not reserved for me,

There is none like it in the world

I am always second to Pearl.


You are up all night long with her,

You are kissing in the kitchen

Sometimes you even go missing

for days and days at a time-

You come home wearing a strangers face

And tell us all you're fine.


But I,


I am stronger than anything,

That you can snort up your nose

See my love is ever-lasting

Where her feelings come and go

I will not leave you alone where you fell-

But chase your demons out of your mind

And drag them back to hell.












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Incompl's picture

'Wearing a strangers face' is

'Wearing a strangers face' is an amazing line. Great poem! 

Let your teeth show

allets's picture

Enjoyed The Direction

of the voice aimed at one person - you tell 'em! :D Stella