Loving you is so damn hard,
It’s like looking out for wishing stars,
It’s getting used to feeling down
It’s never seeing you around.
It’s an acceptance, that I know inside
It’s faking a smile so I can hide,
The disapointment of knowing that,
You’re not feeling the same way back.
It’s seeing you love somebody new
And wondering what I could never do’
And questioning what you see in her
That you couldn’t find inside me first
What Smiles Hide
I was thinking again
and then you interrupted
with a sigh
and I smiled
thinking now
that I like you
but you interrupt
at all the wrong
of my thinking.
Lady A
o many kinds of smiles to live behind to throw off the scent and just be yourself, myself, ourselves, usually in a moment of seeking solitary solace. Nice writing. Encore.