The beginning of a new era

The beginning of a new era


Every morning the shining light of the sun wakes up the beautiful birds from all around the world. This light is a signal for them to gather all together and have their ritual in the blue sky before they go to their daily chores. It’s spectacular to see all birds singing a precious melody flying around looking as a dancing show. The birds are the Gods and they are the only ones who know the magic that is about to happen. The world is divided in two very important parts: land and oceans.




There is a beautiful place called The Land, which is full of colorful flowers and different kinds of trees. Wherever you look at, you’ll notice bright colors, especially green. The land is the home of plenty animals. You can go there and see animals running, other climbing long trees and some others just spend their day in the ground. There are different communities separated by species and each one have a different chore. The monkeys have a very important role because they can climb the trees and take care of the fruits, so they can stay fresh every day and share them with all the animals to eat. There are some rumors running around the land, that they exist strange and different kinds of creatures, which are dangerous for them, so the lions are in charge of keeping safe their land. They all form a beautiful family that take care and search the best for each other.




Far, far away from The Land, there is a place full of blue and light water that is called The Ocean. This place is also full of animals, but they have different characteristics from those from The Land. In here there are fishes of every color someone can imagine. They are also big ones, like whales or dolphins. As in The Land, here every fish has its own chore. There is one special kind of fish that has the important role to separate the salts from the Ocean water, but they don´t know what for, they just do it.




Animals from both, The Land and The Ocean, have 2 important things in common:


They both lack something, animals from The Land don’t know where to get more water and animals from The Ocean don’t know where else to get food from. Also, they don’t want to accept the idea that they depend from each other.




One morning, the birds get together and talk about how separated this two parts are and how much they need each other. Land animals produce the fruits and grains needed for the fishes to eat and ocean animals provide the purified water for the ones from The Land to drink and keep producing food.


They want to see what would happen if these two wonderful places unite and form one single and gorgeous world.




So they decide to go and talk to the representatives from each kingdom and give them the news. The representatives are not happy with the decision but they know they don’t have a choice and unite forming a unique world and the beginning of a new era.






And the moral of the story is that we are sometimes afraid of accepting something or someone who is different from us, but we never know all the positive things this thing or person can bring to our lives.

By Norma Cantú and Olga Martinez


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