Label Me

label me a failure

i'm not

voices from the dark scream

familiar obscenities at me

i've been caught

by him with bruised wrists

bruised feet

bruised heart

he assures me this is all a part

of his plan his plot

to destroy the works of the enemy

we must agree

with him

we are the accused

but the God-Man was bruised and abused

for us

so yes it is true

I've been unfaithful to You

ashamed of You

denied You

disobeyed You

doubted You

distrusted You

provoked You

ignored You

failed You.

label me forgiven

label me refined

One voice shouts louder than all the rest,

"She's beautiful!

She's perfect!

She's mine!"

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scolonne's picture

this is well written..nice one :)