If only the world could understand

My beliefs and views on life tend to be bit radical... but then again, so would yours if the God of all the universe suddenly revealed Himself to you and changed your life dramatically as He did mine. (you can read how God changed my life to find out more.) Some people might think that since I'm a christian that my life is boring but it's only the complete opposite... every day is an adventure. I could never go back to the life I once had... I mean, I've had my ups and downs as a Christian, but the thing is that I have Jesus, when as before, I was all alone in my problems. God is with me through every step of the way, and if it weren't for Jesus, I'd be dead by now. So if I seem a little HYPER or SILLY or GOOFY, don't be surprised. I have a passion for life that I never had until I met Jesus. So my personality is a little "out there" for some people to handle... Would you not be incredibly grateful, if you were about to commit suicide after 8 long years of feeling depressed, unloved, all alone, and abandoned by your own family, and suddenly the God who created you came into your life and told you that He loved you unconditionally, and that He gave His life for you to BE with you?  (Especially after you told Him that you hated Him and cursed Him and said you refused to believe in Him?) If that isn't love, then I don't know what is! Its just like Titus 3:4,5&7... "but when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy... so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life."  Key word there:HOPE. Who hopes in a future that will only end in death? With Christ, even in death we shall have victory, because Christ has overcome it. (1 Corinthians 15:54-57 & Isaiah 25:8)

It's so amazing how much God loves us, and it's so depressing to see all the people who reject Him and the free gift of salvation that He offers to all people, no matter what they've done or where they've been... He stands ready to forgive anyone who will come to Him. He's got a special plan for every individual person... and it's a shame that so many (even some Christians) miss out on...

And for what? All because of this world... this world so full of violence, and hatred, and selfishness, and greed, and lust... it just isn't worth it.

If people only knew how awesome God is and how awesome their life would be in Him... their heart would not skip a beat before they surrendered everything to Jesus. The problem is that people are deceieved... the devil (yes he does exist) wants to turn the world against God... blaming God for all the disease and pain... I know, I used to be one of those people who blamed God for everything... after all, if GOd is so powerful, why doesn't He put a stop to all this suffering? The thing people forget is that, He suffered. For all mankind. We sinned and brought death, He sacraficed and brings life. The very reason that God has not intervened in this world, is the real evidence that He loves us so much... The bible says that He is patient and is not willing that anyone perish... (2 peter 3:9) He is waiting for everyone who is going to come to Him, to come. Who knows, that person could be you...

Some things to ponder...

Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship with the God who created us.

Truth is not an opinion (nor is it an emotion.)

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this would make a wonderful tract to share the love of Jesus to all the people around,
thank you Naomi for your exciting passion for Christ,
may you be blessed and bless others thru the poems God gives you.