rebellious heart
torn apart
twisted in pieces
over my Jesus
I can't control the madness
or the sadness
burning, churning
deep within; my sins
have overtaken me
I can't see
where to go, or how to get out
my voice attempts a shout,
but frustration boils out
tempted to hide
I can't confide in anyone
I want to run
but my feet won't retreat
I can feel the seal
of the Holy Ghost on my soul
fighting with God only digs a deeper hole
I want to get away
but I also want to stay
I need His help,
but my flesh yelps
for the darkness of the world
my mind is twirled
in a delusion
of confusion
and the refusing of God's commands
I fear His reprimands
I can't rebel, I can't obey
I'm dizzy with dissarray
my heart grows bitter
I'm beginning to wither
no one else sees the battle
I'm rattled in rebellion.
Lord, I need Your light
but I might
cower in a cave
I need someone to save
me from the folly of my pride
my flesh and soul collide.
I have a rebellious heart
and it's tearing me apart
the fog
has bogged me down
I feel like I'm starting to drown
I'm suffocating
by this excruciating
I'm tripping, I'm slipping
I'm sensing the enemy's dart
I feel so estranged,
Lord, change my rebellious heart.
this poems talks about me too, i see htis heart in me so often,i want flee away from GOD and yes i want him more, its this fight in me to obey him and not to obey him.
Thank you so much for you comments on my birthday poem it was the perfect gift i had on my birthday, you really surprised me. Thank you Naomi,
Sand firm and press on,
your fellow runner, Sabina