Spiritual High

I love the feeling that I get

When I close my eyes and lift my hands

When the music crescendo's

Vibrating emotions throughout my glands

I think that I'm praising You,

But You can see my heart

I am sure I am worshipping You

But deep down I know that we've drifted apart

Why do I fret when the joy is gone?

When the spiritual high has decreased?

Why do I ask, "God where are You?"

When Your presence has not once ceased?

We live by faith, not by sight…

But when will I learn its meaning?

Sure I have faith…strong faith

When things are going my way…(of course)

For so long I have lived

Each of my days

By the intensity of

The worship and praise

But what am I serving?

Who am I honoring,

With the songs off my lips?

When I get lost in the moment,

Am I in the presence of God?

Is it You, Lord that I see?

Or am I merely enjoying the music

And the goosebumps that it brings me?

How could I have been so wrong?

I've tried so long…to believe in You

Basing my relationship with You

on the mere feelings that I have…

And when these feelings are all gone

I freak that something's wrong...

I thought that I was choosing You,

But in reality I was just using You

Using You to gain that spiritual high

Just because I don't feel anything…

Doesn't mean You aren't with me

And it doesn't mean You aren't pleased with me

Just because I don't feel like I am grateful,

Doesn't mean I'm not

Just because I don't feel like I love You,

Doesn't mean I don't.

Just because I don't feel convicted,

Doesn't mean You aren't convicting me.

Just because I don't feel like You exist

Doesn't mean You don't.

Just because I feel disconnected from You,

Doesn't mean I am.

A baby can't learn to walk, if the mother never lets go.

During those times that You feel the most distant

It's because You are giving me an opportunity to grow,

And to learn how to walk.

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justme4him's picture

hey Naomi, this is so straight with my mind, it is what I so often I feel like, your message broke through.
Thank you for your comment on my poem, is sorta related a lit bit, isn't it?
God is with us in any situation, no matter what we feel,
Stay firm in HIM,
Love Sabina

poetvg's picture

i love this poem