Stop breaking my mind
Give me time
To reconcile my wounds
Blasted fumes water my eyes
Weltering over the dunes in my room
Spitting up pieces of broken glass
Raising my eyes to the creases
Which elaborate my shallow walls
Crouching behind a rusted bowl of soup
In which I never ate
Lingering beneath this raggedy shawl
It patiently waits
To jar my emotions around
Like bait on the hook of a fishing rod
All the while I silently pray to God
Argue within myself over his existence
Will He forgive my habitual pretense?
My demons begin chanting their ritual
And hop about like ranting fools
Taunting me and flaunting me
What ever will I do?
Sinking into this sour full pool
Swaying back and forth
Like dynamite ready to explode
Meager ideas implode on my brain
Driving me insane
And then without a prayer in hell
I curl up, wither up, smother up and die.
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