Restless Nights


I used to think of you often.

Stayed up beyond a reasonable time

And lack of anything resembling

Energy the next day.


The amount of time you filled my head,

More so than any other.


I shouldn't have.


You weren't the first, but you definitely were the last.

And yet years later you fill my head again.


I think of you when I can't sleep.

And I dream of you on my restless nights.

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S74rw4rd123d's picture

Your poem's first stanza is

Your poem's first stanza is the story of my life as it was in the early eighties.  

I think you have described an experinece that seems to be very universal, and you have described it very well---including its continuing residual effects.  I also applaud the casual, conversational tone of your poem.

Starwardized [fka Starward]