These are the games that are never any fun.
We keep playing them.
It's a vicous cycle.
I wish my mind would just stop moving,
but it's like a machine.
It takes a long time to get it to stop.
While in motion,
we play scenarios in our head.
And for me, it's worse.
My glass is always half empty.
So my 'what ifs' moments
aren't so cheerful.
I feel like I my story
should be tragic.
I can dwell there,
and sort of be ok.
But in my mind,
I am alone.
I want to scream
and someone hear me.
Because I need
to know someone cares.
It's wanting both sides
at the same time.
And I can't really satify both,
not together.
I need to find a balance,
where I can satisfy both.
But in the end,
I only want to be heard.
I want someone to be there
to talk me through this madness,
these mind games that never stop.
Self induced mind games
Well, I can relate to that. It ain't easy to shut up the chatterbox gaslighter in our heads.
And sometimes we have no one else to talk to than the same chatterboxers that have us feeling madness to begin with. Virtual hugs to you through this screen.
© Ground