life and death

my poems

sometimes i dont think i can go on much longer i feel like if i dont crack soon i will explode and i might flip out on the wrong person but hey who cares i dont need friends i dont need anyone all i need is a blade in my hand or a gun to my head or hey how about i just go and jump off a building that might be fun or maybe i will just take a few more pills and i will pass out and never wake back up that could work to all these different ways to die to bad i cant just chose but each one has a flaw with the blade i might not cut deep enough or with the gun what if it misses the main part of my brain and i wake up in the hospital and the pills might just make me puke then there is jumping off a building deppending on the hieght of the building and how i land when the ambulance comes they might be able to bring me back and all of these possiblities will really suck cause either way i would wind up more deppressed then when i started and just want to die even more so no matter how you look at it life and death sucks cause either you live life wishing you could die or you try to die and screw up and wind up living anyway so your best bet is to wait for death to just come for you but thats not what i am going to do i will just keep trying to die until i suceed so have a nice life and good bye.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i was bored and just felt like typing

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