Scratching the Surface

Love, what does it really mean?

How can one describe love?

I am totally into this girl.

I tell her , "I love you."

But what is love?

Its a word to describe my feelings for her.

However, one single word cannot describe that

I'd die for her happiness,

I'd do anything to please her.

I'd do anything to keep her safe.

No single word can describe this,

So what exactly is love?

She is the greatest thing to ever happen to me.

She is the greatest thing that will ever happen to me.

She fills the empty gap inside my soul.

My soulmate, my one and only.

Love can never begin to describe this.

No matter how many times I tell her , "I love you"

I will never be able to stress to her my feelings.

I wish there was a word for what she makes me feel like.

Love is a start, but it doesn't even begin to scratch the surface.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For Kari , i less than three her (type it out and you'll get it)

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