She Dreamed Of Him Who Aint Exsist

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Naked as a star she slept

suspended in space..

The reflection of the moon

danced off her face..

Lonely thoughts escaped

her mind..his fingers

caressed her spine inside.

her front teeth embraced

her lower lip! passionately

She moaned.curling

her toes like the hair fallen

down the walls of her back

She breathed his desires..

Relaxing as the cold winter

air within her eyes

diminished..his warmth

sheltered her between the

thighs..she became weak

knees quivering..

passionately throbbing

the feeling was Sweet as

summer strawberries..

her soul melted like snow..  

she dreamed

of this man who ain't exist

but only in her mind..

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by a pic
I wrote the poem i DID NOT draw the pic

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Shaketa Copelin's picture

Beautiful picture you painted here...