She's beautiful bareback..

Arms lingering behind her head...

Legs comfortable crossed....

Exposing her Carmel dipped nipples

fore the world too witness.....

Covered in hot summer smiles

While day dreaming.....

Easing her middle finger below the

waist desiring too be tasted....

Pondering should she masturbate or

wait until a date cums...

The suspense is killing her thoughts..

She became liquefied between

the thighs...

Her pussy cried fore satisfaction

from that somebody who'll make her

sing a orgasmic tune...

The winds breathed heavy inside....

Her soul howled like wolves.....

The moon burned like a flame within

her eyes..He was flawless & sweet

like grapes picked perfect from

a tree...She screamed wishing he was

real instead of a illusion in her


Author's Notes/Comments: 

inspired by a book cover

View ninesevenoh4's Full Portfolio
Average Black Girl's picture

Nice write! Perfect imagery and very creative.

Elvin Marks's picture

Whoa! I like the visual imagery in the true story behind these words here. I liked how the suspense started in the beginning and how it ended perfectly of your description of an illusion, that was inside your head as a man. Good job and may GOD continue to bless you forever! Peace!

Corie Lynn M.'s picture

Wow, this is very sensual. And you came up with this after looking a picture? Well, I've done that once, but it didn't come out this good.
I love it!

Shaketa Copelin's picture

I can SO relate to this right now........