Ongoing Story

Even above the drums and chatter, the crashing of the front doors as they burst open and hit the walls was deafening. Everyone turned, hoping to get a glance at whatever caused the commotion and Lena was no different as she tried her best to see over the crowd. All she was able to see though was a mass of dull gray material on the floor. She tried to move her way through the people, but those in front of her had forgotten her prescence and continued to ove forward, a wall to her that was unpenitratible. Behind hr, se heard her father yelling. "What in god's name..., move aside, move I say!" Though he made his way slowly, he was still making more progress then she was, so there was nothing she could do but wait.

   Rainlan stood finally at the front of the mass of questioning people who instantly seemed to faal away as they distanced themselves from the scene to watch from the background. Things were working exactly the way that Rainlan had hoped them to, perhaps even better then he may have hoped. Standing at Zedris’s feet he looked down at him. He had not expected the boy to do such a convincing job, this was a pleasant surprise for him. Thiss meant less fixing for him to do. ‘But this is not finished yet’ he thought to himself. He turned to the waiting crowd, who hushed instantly with his gaze on them. Waiting a moment to be sure that all eyes were on him, he lightly poked the figure with his left foot and then in a slow movement used his foot to completely push it over on to his back. People all around released a breath almost together upon seeing his face, dirty and expressionless as they has ever seen  on anyone who was unconscious. Servents and guards all around the edges of the crowd  held back waiting for a command of any sort, although few of them could remain still, all wanting to investigate the unknown person, seeing him as a threat.

Rainlan’s fake look of surprise was convincing to all and after a second of thought as to what should be done he looked to the servents who instantly came to his side.

“Take this boy to one of the outer rooms and make him comfortable. Send for the doctor immediately and make haste to return to your places, this will not ruin the banquet of course. Now go and see that my orders are followed.”

He turned to one of the nearest guards “You will follow them and stay outside the door, no guests are to be allowed to enter the room.”

At the conclusion to his commanding words the servents moved in, sweeping the boy up. Within moments the boy was carried out the hall doors and hidden from the silent crowd. As they stood there expectantly, he sighed contemplating his words,much like an actor rehersing his lines before an important scene. Shaking his head slightly he motioned to the musicians for music and they began to play after a seconds hesitation. As if reading his mind, the music was lively and upbeat, easily changing the mood and easing the crowd back to their merry dispositions. The murmers and whispering eventually died down to be replaced with dancing. Rainlan watched his daughter move to the side to sit down, staring a him with a slight note of suspicion, not all together forgetting what had occoured. He realized that he was still standing in the middle of the room and regaining his composure, grabbed the hand of a woman to his right lightly to dance. After a second he recognised the person to be the daughter of the Duke of Seyona, Liona or Leanna, he could not rcall which one it was. They began to dance, and by all appearences he seemed carefree and unplagued by the thoughts that dominated his mind. Formost was that his daughter would appreciate his doings sooner or later, whether she realized it now or not.

He watched her leave the hall.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Claustrophobia is a bitch

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