Today this world just seems to suck
people walk by, don't give a fuck
and i'm just one more in the crowd
another bitch, nieve and proud.
People lie and cheat and steal
the youth supresses how they feel
but soon they crack, shoot people down
for once have real reasons to frown
another gone, statistics passed
today is moving much to fast.
Will tomorrow be the same
will all these lives be played as games
will our world become a land that's lost
before we even know the cost
or could this maybe one day change
we can not focus, far out of range
these are some questions, though very few
hope there is something we can do.
Just one more in the crowd
probably wont make you see
that if tomorrow doesn't change
the kind of life that this will be.
i love this one too nikki
tho not as much as i love you
Much Love