Everybody Dies Only Me Survives

You lookin for trubble

I'm willin to rumble

You only want to fight

but I want to take your life

if you don't want to die

You better try to survive

I'm comein out alive

Cuz I'm willin to die

I'll do anything to take your life

You can have a knife

but I'll still take your life

You can pull a gun

but then you better run

Cuz when I pull my gun

you'll be all done

because I'll go phycopatic

With a simi-aout matic

You can have other

but I have watchers

and your friends will die

With ablink of an eye

Then it's your turn

and you will die


Jeremy C.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was getting into a lot of fights during school. I needed to get out some of my anger.

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