It is there,
You see it in a flash,
And your heart races,
Because you do not know if after it passes,
You will be the same.
All you have ever learned
Has told you that
To join in and merge
Is partly to be maimed,
Lost forever into
Some new conglomerate
Of the new you.
And you said,
"Oh no, not me",
And moved on to the next phase
Of nothingness.
Because ignorance is
Supposed to bliss,
A kiss,
Then it happens,
Syzygy's sweltering dark cloud
Hauntingly seeps into you
Like lying on a bed of nails,
You are in love with someone,
And it is nothing like anyone ever told you.
And then you learn it's no big deal,
You are still driving your own vehicle,
Like the sign on the interstate...