ache my love, ache







ache my sweet, ache for the human touch,

the sensations you long for, and dream of so much,

ache my love, ache, so that you may learn,

the power of a touch, and tenderness returned,

ache my love ache to the depths of desperation,

so that love might transform all the fanatical infatuation,

let yourself curdle in writhing pain, inside to die,

cry, my love cry, and beg to ask "why?"

fight if you must, how this longing is controlling you,

fight if you have to, the real thing love's trying to show you,

oh, ache! my love---ACHE, til your blockages clear,

because real love will break through all those falacies and fears,

ACHE my love ACHE, til your tears all run dry,

and true love can teach others, all you've learned...

                           ...and why. ©


inspired by....the one and only....



Author's Notes/Comments: 

about how the deepest loves constantly transform pain to joy. it is about the redeeming journey of self.

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SSmoothie's picture

Bravo, wonderful! I love it!

Bravo, wonderful! I love it! Thanks nightlight hugss 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

justanotherscreename's picture

Can't truly know how happy

Can't truly know how happy somebody makes you until you know how miserable you can be without them. Great concept (:

nightlight1220's picture

Well, it wasn't really

Well, it wasn't really written for anyone in particular. it was actually written to express that the depths of love---any love--need to be first experienced alone for what it is, as 'true love' is something not just with one person, but a spark in us all, that first needs to be known within the individual before it can ever ever be shared in a relationship.

but i see you own interpretation as sometimes we learn what true love is through loving another, and then we are able to share it with everyone.


cry, my love cry, and beg to ask "why?"

fight if you must, how this longing is controlling you,

fight if you have to, the real thing love's trying to show you,

Thanks, justascreen!! 




...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "