Is it what i want or what i need

Is it what i want or what i need

I want someone to always be there

Someone i can look into your eyes and stare

Someone i can always turn to when i have a bad day

Someone i can Enjoy my night with and forget about the past

Someone that makes me feel like i have a reason to give a damn

Someone that i can care about and that will care about me

Someone i can be with for the rest of my life

That can be my friend and more

Someone i feel i can feel open with and not feel behind closed door's

Someone i share similar interests with

Someone that does not just wish to make love and leave me alone again

I don't know how much more of this i can stand

Im feeling what i want is becoming more of a need

Im feeling more empty and less like me

I feel the person for me is out there but i still feel as if i cannot see

Sometimes feeling as if maybe i was never meant to be.....

Author's Notes/Comments: 

How i feel

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