Pooh, has often pondered the mystery of why we have two hands and only one mouth!!!

if i wasn't so small, I"D BE ALOT TALLER!!!

Just when a fellow thinks he knows all the right answers, somebody has to come along with all the wrong questions!!!

The secret to a great friendship is ... to have alot of fears in common.

Walking together helps a lot when you're lost in the woods.

I'd look on the bright side, if I could find it.

New adventures are the perfect cure for the nothing-to-do-blues!!!

Life is a BIG to-do list.

HONEY ... is the mother of invention.

All work and no play keeps Rabbit very busy.

Bouncing makes even a bad situation almost bearable!

Good things always come in small PINK packages.

There's so much to do, in addition to ROO.

Wondering is more fun with two!!!

If it's the thought that counts, why are there fingers?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Found these in a little key chain book, thought they were cute and they brightened up the day of a myself, and a few friends, so I thought I would share them !!!!

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