My lover

My Passions

The sun shines through my open window.

Spring breezes blow like a whisper.

His breathing is soft and steady.

The way his face glows amazes me.

Facing him I stroke his restful face.

I remember the 1st time like it was yesterday.

The way he gently sweep me away.

I savor every moment of his sweet kisses.

I can still smell him,on that dress.

Opening his eyes he smiles lovingly at me.

Sitting up slightly he kisses my brow.

Thanking me in so many ways for last night.

As he does every day.

A touch of satin,

A smile of Joy,radient

Eyes that shine

Hope in us beyond eternal

True love flowing everlasting

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Beautifully structured, and gorgeous effects!

J-Called [fka Starward]