Freedom of a Fallen Nation

A little strange

bombs exploding in the air

releasing the flood gates

Granting the foes freedom

a clash of titanic proportions

rape,murder,blood,and tears cover all

nature of man to love war and despair

burials for heroes,who bravely risked all

mothers cry for lost knowledge

children confused heartache invading

chaos erupting knowledge lacking

power,greed,hunger-a nation falls

anarchy a desolate future manifests

destruction,land,women,children and men

"Where is the merciful God?""Where?"

prayers unanswered faith falls into darkness

desperation overtakes,watching the explosions

promises,chances,a new world by the end


new reasons for battle,as i see it excuses

Peace of mind forever lost to some All in the name of FREEDOM

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this shortly after 9/11, while watching a news program. These were my thoughts

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