I have watched these chubby little legs
For over six months now
Tremble and shake
My gaze transfixed in expectation
The bouncy little bottom
Moves up and down to a tune
Only she can hear
Hands fixed to the lounge
Free but not yet free
One more step to complete
Her head turns with a smile
That always melts my heart
Her eyes deep pools of innocence
Announce the time has come
First one hand then the other
Leave safety behind forever
Everything will change for us both now
My heart stops, I am frozen in time with her
Her face a picture of all feelings at once
Fear, joy, confusion, wonder, happiness, concentration
False start, hands back, reappraisal, test complete
She turns back, more test bounces, check complete
Hands free, head turns again, all go for launch
Her arms experience a new role, steadying the ship
Her smile burns its image to my mind forever
My heart stops again, our world stops
It’s all up to her now, this is it
And then
The step
First right leg, then pause, small wobbles
Then left, my heart racing, bursting from my chest
Her concentration turns to a smile
She giggles, wobbles, her world has just grown larger
I look into her eyes and fail to notice
That all this time, she has been looking into mine
The moment passes, she falls
I sweep her into my arms
Look for hurt and tears
There is none to be seen
Her face is still a beacon, burning so bright
I am dazzled by its brilliance
I have seen her first steps in life
She just smiles and giggles, unaware of the gift she has given
This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process, nor may any other exclusive right be exercised, without the permission of Neville John Gourley, 2 Sarah Court, Capalaba, Queensland 4157, and dated 21-04-2013.