The Elements


The Elements of Water, Fire, Earth, and Air.
So very hard to control as it consumes us holy and fully.
The souls run with the Wind, dancing and running free with the Wind, hoping for one more chance of life.
The demons run with Fire, raging around like the king Fire truly is, waiting for orders from the light of Fire.
The people walk with The Earth, as they have their festivites of life, waiting for more life to join them in their happiness.
The people of the Water swim with eachother, wondering if they will ever be found out by the humans, hoping and praying of survival.
The Elements of Life are hard to control and are pain to the fulliest.
They live on wondering the Earth as they find out new things about eachother and hope for the best.
This is what surrounds us every minute of every day of our life.
I don't think we have a problem with it.
You know, living in harmony with eachother, not having to worry about a thing.
Ahh, we know that won't happen for a while, but a girl can dream...right?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I just got bored.

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hurtandlost's picture

you gave me a new perspective

you gave me a new perspective on the elements! i like the creative feel:)