When I look at you


When I looked at you, did you know what I see?
I saw braveness.
I saw hope.
I saw the truth.
I saw someone who will always be there.
When I don't know where to go, you're were there.
When my world is falling down, you helped me pick up the pieces.
I will always looked at you with respect.
I will never looked at you with hate.
You had never made me cry.
You were always the one who understood me.
You never judged me.
I will always love you.
I would never leave you, even though you left me.
You saw what I saw in the world
You saw the pain I couldn't cope with.
You saw what nobody else saw.
You saw...me
That's what I saw when I looked at you.
That's how proud you made me.
Even though your gone, I am the legacy you left behind.
I am determind to make you as proud of me, as I am of you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Bye bye brothers Blue, Michael, Tre'. You all will be missed and I will see you soon.

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What a wonderful Tribute!

Beautifully versed! Well done! Cheers SS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."