
A bit of strength is what I need

To bury grief and follow greed


A fire burns real deep inside

For you to see my eager eye


There is no need to be scared

For it is love here to share


This took a turn towards rapey

Which was certainly not my intention

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In my personal opinion (which

In my personal opinion (which means nothing, I am no expert at all) I enjoy the first two ending rhymes and how the last does not rhyme at all, but I would have liked if the third would have also rhymed a little better. It is your poem and it is great the way it is, but I personally would change "to share" to something along the lines of "to be shared" just as the "to be scared" above it. Of course it would take a little rearranging of the previous words in the sentence and it is your poem to decide what to do with. Keep it up