Blood stains on your soul
A crimson heat on purest snow
I close my eyes, feel burning tears
Don't melt away, don't leave me here.
The white walls cave in on me
Screaming to deafen me
The red waves of nausea reach out to strangle me
I open my eyes just to fall into ecstacy
Savour the pain in last moments of us.
Ulcer on your heart
A gaping hole through space and stars
I take your hand, feel no life there
You melt away and leave me here.
The white walls cave in on me
Screaming to deafen me
The red waves of nausea reach out to strangle me
I open my eyes just to fall into ecstacy
Savour the pain in last moments of us.
the first stanza is really powerful...and the rest leads you along a slow, painful road...leaves the reader feeling broken...