A Faerie

There once was a faerie

Who fell from the sky

She had lost her wings

but she didn't know why

Stranded in vast plains

Under a clear starry night

She began a search

to find meaning in her life

As she wandered she gazed up

At a diamond-studded dome

She picked out the brightest star

and that star would give her hope

As the air drew cold and cloudy

She still saw that star above

And she wished that star would fall

and warmly comfort her with love

The star would come down

As the faerie went to sleep

And he gave her new wings

laid them over her like sheets

So as the sun rose

She awoke from her slumber

But the stars were now all hidden

she was only left to wonder...

So with her new wings

The faerie returned to the sky

To find the brightest star

that guided her through the night

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to a friend.

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Megan Sassenrath's picture

sorry, i'm disgracing your poem by commenting directly on it... i hope you'll forgive me. this poem is so gorgeous, i love so much of the imagery...

"And he gave her new wings
laid them over her like sheets"

that's my favorite part, maybe because i love covers when i sleep? i don't know. but cue the applause, adam, this poem is amazing.