Once when you were young you went to school
Your good parents thought you were not a fool
From Kindergarten to Harvard maybe
Without a scar entering life‘s society
Empty pockets never held anyone back.
Only empty heads will take up the slack
Speak from the heart people will listen
A loving heart will in wisdom glisten
Blessed hearts bend never break always be fit
But if you can’t put your heart in it get out of it
A woman’s head is always influenced by her heart
But a man's heart is always influenced by his head
Follow your inner heart it helps then the world moves in
And be true to yourself your bosom would be without sin
Knock and ask your heart what it doth know
It’ll beat in the rhythm in music not for show
How much the heart can really hold no one knows
For at any age it has no wrinkles and it never shows
The way to God is through a human heart for a start
For all music is important if it comes from the heart
Remember how happy you were meek and mild
‘cause your heart was pure and simple as a child
Why is peace, grace and contentment come to some
If you’ve inner awareness a grateful heart will come
Look at every path closely and deliberately.
Try it as many times as you think necessary
Ask yourself, this question and yourself alone
"Does this path have a heart or a good tone?”
If it does, then the path is good.
If it doesn't, it’s like rotten wood
They teach how to get results in your exams
Some are honest but some resort to scams
Even the good teachers don’t teach you life sense
Especially if you don’t show any common sense
You are left with nice rainbows in your head
As you watch the boob tube until you’re red
They put the cart before the donkey
And throw you in a murky society
But whenever or before you ever depart
They should’ve tried to educate your heart