The Consumer Part 1

If you believe in reincarnation

Then you may ask the lord

Not to return you as a consumer

Better for you to burn

Return to ashes or you may as well

Return as a mule or a bleddy jackass

Which is a beast of burden

For that?s what a consumer is

I don?t know who in tarnation

Arrived at such a dirty word

For the consumer is not any user

But the little man who try to earn

Eke out a living and can tell

About life when you belong to the mass

Being watched by the Warden

Who thinks only of business.

The sharks and sardines

Fat, lazy pompous cats

Who think it?s the duty

Of the consumer to support

Them, their vices and heirs

Pleasures, pastimes and mistress

Thinking they have the darn right

To squeeze out that little extra

As done by juice machines

And later using them as doormats

Still ruminating from their booty

Oblivious of their purport

Because of contempt, greed or fears

Refusing to fight or mess

With Naders who have seen the light

In commercialized North America.

The rich cannot be called

Consumers, for their wealth

Has escalated them beyond that point

Where their feelings are numbed

Their attitudes are carefree

Their conscience is smothered

By luxuries and fat cheque-books

They have in other words, lost contact

With the consumer and walled

Themselves out by stealth

Turning a deaf ear rather than anoint

Another, but being succumbed

For they look but never see

Not wanting to be wooed

With hearts like that of the crooks

Becoming very mean and exact.

If one doesn?t know where one?s been

How can one know where one?s going?

Born with oral silver spoons

With Cadillacs, sipping cola and rum

Whereas consumers are simple folks

Living close to the good earth

Embracing that mundane quality

Of respect for nature

Where they see and are not seen

And give without any preaching

Although they may be called buffoons

They will surely go to God?s kingdom

They are caught up in every hoax

Because of their humble birth

Thriving for only a simple prosperity

And their honest stature.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was written as an answer  to the politicians  and the aristocrats who takes the  ordinary man , the consumer for granted.

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Simply fantastic, enjoyed every bit of your write. Some do underestimate the power of docile, busy with their daily struggles...