Not for the sake of Killing,
My soul was designed,
I am precious being of Allah,
The one that you denied.
Your ego is the Satan,
That lives inside your heart,
Thats why when I went Happy,
You slit my throat apart.
You claim in name of Honor,
A murder for your respect,
When Allah didn't kill me,
who gave you the right to act?
The World can see my deen,
Islam as just the Terror,
Its You and such like you,
who labeled it forever.
When Allah is so kind,
He gave me all my rights,
you do you then kill me,
why don't you fear His might?
Don't name your sin on deen,
Don't name it "HONOR KILLING"
there's no excuse to kill someone,
When they are not so willing!
Don't Kill anyone, Don't Kill anyone,
Don't Kill anyone its said,
Why Don't you follow Him?
Is Your heart that much dead?
Tell me O' Muslim Man,
When you kill us for pleasure,
Do you feel man enough?
Did Allah gave you treasure?
Don't Blame your Sin as Honor,
Don't Blame the women Kind,
You can't just see them equal,
Just of your satanic minds.
They have the right like you,
Don't kill them its a sin!
The killing in name of Honor,
Is your reason to calm within.